See what people are saying about Corporate High School and The Sum of Our Gods!

Praise for

Corporate High School

Benjamin Gorman’s Corporate High School is a must-read for anyone interested in joining the fight to save public education. We proudly proclaim this book as badass and spot on about the fight to save the foundation of our democracy - strong public education for all.
— Marla Kilfoyle, General Manager
Badass Teachers Association
Ben Gorman clearly knows high school students, and the importance of a free and public education for them. Corporate High School is fantastic!
— Tanya Baker
Director of National Programs
National Writing Project
Gorman’s gut-wrenching satire delivers the lesson that when a school is not a school, learning is rebellion and knowledge is a weapon.
— Karen Eisenbray,
author of St. Rage
Corporate High School is a call to action for students and those that believe that public education is the cornerstone of democracy. Corporations have been working to infiltrate public education for decades. The overemphasis of high-stakes standardized tests and scripted curriculum are two very real attempts to cash in on public education while taking the love of learning out of our classrooms. Ben uses his personal experience and his passion for providing a great public school for every student as a call to action for our students. It is time to organize students to demand the schools they deserve.
— Hanna Vaandering
Oregon Education Association

Praise for

The Sum of Our Gods

…an entertaining read from start to finish.”

“…what’s really great about this book is that behind the silliness and absurdity are issues that are real and hard-hitting.”

“The dark humor is just to my liking.
Markus Indie Book Reviews
From the moment God, sitting in a diner, hears Joan Osborne’s ‘What If God Was One of Us?’ and says, ‘I hate this fucking song,’ the reader knows this isn’t just any run-of-the-mill book. Sum is a funny, funny, funny, fast-paced and insightful commentary on religion, social mores and, most importantly, human relations. Even God has marital problems.

“The author gives his audience credit for intelligence, not spelling out or explain too much, but also salting in explanations of various gods and religious beliefs smoothly enough so it doesn’t slow down the narrative. The acceptance of other gods and religious eras is refreshing and he uses it masterfully, weaving together a good plot on top of great character development. To top it off, the voice is spot-on. Funny, knowing and sarcastic.

“A refreshing and needed book in an era of aggressive religiosity, the book also makes the reader examine religious belief. Atheists and agnostics will enjoy it immensely, but anyone with an open mind will appreciate it and look at the deeper meaning; how much of our belief in a ‘superior being’ exists inside our heads? Or is simply a product of our era? Readers aren’t getting the book if one of God’s final statement’s to Joe (‘Don’t trust people who tell you things will work out for the best.’) doesn’t have them laughing and nodding with appreciation. Things worked out for God, but just barely.

“Overall, a book that hits its marks and hits them well. A serious, deep treatment wrapped in hilarity.
Writer's Digest
Judge, 22nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
Humorous and thought-provoking...
The Masquerade Crew
This was hysterical. …Such irreverence. I could get behind gods like these. …Verily, you made me laugh. All hail Ixtab. (You can’t be too careful, right?)
— Cass McMain
author of Sunflower