Today in Ben's hate mail:

Today in Ben's hate mail:

"@elcooterbubba: Don’t reproduce, we have enough 3’s in this world"

First: Mr. Cooter-Bubba, this message is a comma splice. It should be two different sentences, or it could be joined with a semicolon, a coordinating conjunction, or a subordinating conjunction without the comma.

Second: You need some end punctuation at the end of that second sentence ... once you turn it into a second sentence.

Third: Too late! I have a child (only one that I'm aware of), he's amazing, and the world has far too few people like him, so I really ought to have had more. Also, I'm snipped so this is not useful advice anymore.

Fourth: What is your rating scale? 3 out of 10? I can accept that. 3 out of 100? That's a bit harsh, but calling for the sterilization of 3% of the world's population still seems high. 3s at different events? I would be proud to be a bronze medalist. This is unclear.

Fifth: Numbers do not require apostrophes even when pluralized in this way. They still don't own anything, so they aren't possessives. For example, when you decide you need some extra large tires for your truck in order to feel better about ... things, you'll be purchasing some 265s, not 265's. The tires don't own you. They just help with your issues. Find your bliss. But punctuate properly.

Sixth: I appreciate the feedback. It helps me grow. Next time, please provide something actionable so I can improve. Have a wonderful day, and call your parents to thank Ms. Bubba and Mr. Cooter for raising such a delightful human.