Review: Martha Wells’ System Collapse

Cover art by Jaime Jones, cover design by Christine Foltzer.

This seventh entry in The Murderbot Diaries series doesn’t need my review, but I’m trying to be better about posting reviews of all the books I read and enjoy in order to support my fellow authors, even when, like Wells, they are getting the attention they deserve. System Collapse is a great addition to this series. SecUnit is going through some stuff, so while this book is as action-packed as the previous ones, there’s this added wrinkle which helps develop its character, a character I already loved. As a special bonus (and I don’t think this is too much of a spolier), Wells has this great scene where the creation of art and literature, complete with all the usual stresses an artist deals with when creating, is featured as the strategic move that saves the day in a very high stakes situation. Sure, that was preaching to the choir for me and the many authors and artists who love Wells’ work, but I appreciated it none-the-less.
